New Clubhouse App and Keto! Chat, learn, succeed, and make friends

Do you have an iPhone? are you on Clubhouse? Do you eat Keto? Then let’s connect!

Did all of the above just make you raise your eyebrows? Ok…let’s take a step back!

Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Logo App

What is the new Clubhouse App?

Clubhouse is a new Social Media Network. Well…new to being popular. But before we get to membership, basics first. Clubhouse is AUDIO ONLY. Yes, no messaging. No liking. No commenting. You’re there to talk.

There are ‘Rooms’ around topics where you can either just listen in or raise your hand and join the speakers on ‘stage’.

Rooms range from musical auditions, to advise for entrepreneurs, to people learning languages, to reading books together, to sharing their newest songs or writing works and there’s also a ‘hallway’ for Keto.

To find your tribe you either follow the people who like the topics you like or you join Clubs.

What does Clubhouse have to do with Keto?

Keto Anywhere Hope Dealers Clubhouse Club slim
Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Club slim
Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Keto 4 the Soul slim
Keto Anywhere Clubhouse The Keto Diet slim

In the Keto space there are currently 4 equally amazing Clubs:

  • Keto 4 the Soul

    Founded by the amazing Judith aka @judithmarie. I’m fortunate to be one of the leads - THANK YOU! We have rooms on Keto with kids, Man Cave (Woman one coming soon ;) ), Latinos, Lunch and Dine & Learns - it’s incredible!

  • Keto Anywhere - Eat Out, Shop, Cook, Enjoy Keto & Low Carb

    • Chat about eating out, products, fasting, mini challenges and more.

    • Currently sessions / rooms are mostly during the week around 11.30am CST and between 4-5,30pm CST.

    • To ensure people don’t get sucked into a room for hours I usually pre-announce that it will be a 30-60min session because Clubhouse can be quiiiiet addicting.

    • As the Club grows I hope to have a regular schedule. If you’re interested in leading any: let me know!

    • I’m also active in Keto 4 the Soul and want to make sure I can contribute to both!

  • Share your Keto Success Story

    Led by the inspiring Keto Hope Dealers aka @ketohopedealers and @khdketomag on IG. Check out their blog and magazine too!

  • Keto Diet

    Led by the talented Erika aka @theprdiva on Instagram and also allowing you to learn more about Keto and talk with like minded people

Join these and you’ll get to interact and meet with amazing people. More on this next!

What I love about Keto & Clubhouse

What I love about these Clubs and their rooms is that everyone is extremely welcoming, kind, encouraging and uplifting! Every time I leave a room I feel this buzz of energy.

We talk Keto. We talk about our journeys. We help each other with questions and no question is off limits. When we doubt ourselves there’s always someone to build us up. Share their perspective and did I mentioned already how welcoming people are?

You start talking and you’re just part of the Club. It doesn’t matter that we’ve never met before. You eat Keto, I eat Keto: Heeeello new friend!

You’re new to Keto, I’ve been doing it for a few years. That’s awesome! You fast. You eat clean, dirty or lazy Keto. Carnivore. You have kids or none. You’re eating low carb for health reasons or for fat loss. There are no silly questions.

We’re all in it together and enjoy being surrounded by amazing people with a common goal: To live healthier lives and do what feels best for us!

How can I join Clubhouse?

Clubhouse was launched in March 2020 and has worked with an invite-only model. Meaning, you have to be invited by a friend and then you get 1 invite when you’re ‘in’. After a week, you get another 3 invites and if you’re active and maybe even have your own Club you’ll get more invites here and there.

At the moment, Clubhouse is only available in the iOS App store by the way. So if you’re on Android…sorry… you’re going to have to wait a few more months to be able to join.

Invitations go through phone numbers. That means the person inviting you will need to have you saved as their phone contact. I’m sure in the coming months we will hear and read more about this as Clubhouse takes your contact list through this and later shows you which of your friends aren’t ‘in’ yet and in turn how many of their friends are on Clubhouse already. Not sure what the data privacy laws in Europe will make of this one!

There’s something you can do now even if you don’t have an invite to Clubhouse

Download the app and you can pre-register your handle. For example on Instagram I have @ketoanywhere and before I had an invite to Clubhouse I secured @ketoanywhere there too. That will be your handle but as a screen name you should go by your actual name. Clubhouse wants its users to be who they are and not hide behind brand names etc

PLUS there’s a bonus. If one of your friends has you in their contacts, then they might get a notification to fast track you in without using up one of their precious invites! Just by you preregistering!

Diving a little bit deeper into the magic of the Clubhouse App

Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Elon Musk

What is drawing people into Clubhouse it not just the ease of talking and meeting strangers and bonding over common topics of interests it’s also that everyone is equal.

While it is still in Beta and not that ‘crowded’ you can get a chance to stumble upon Elon Musk in a room or Kevin Hart or other celebrities as well as Influencers with millions of followers who will happily help you out and answer your questions.


In the Keto world I had chats with Chef Michael - check out his Cook Book on Amazon - it’s incredible - as well as Keto Coach E who I had previously met through TikTok. He knows so much about Keto. Check out his website to see everything he has to offer!

I made it! I’m in Clubhouse! What do I do now?

Welcome! For the first week you will see a little party hat next to your profile picture that will let others know that you’re new and that they can help you if you e.g. don’t know how to raise your hand yet etc.

While registering you will be asked to choose topics of interests. This will help the algorithm initially in showing you rooms that could be of interest. Before jumping into rooms though I would suggest doing the following:

1) Customize your profile picture

Click on your profile pic in the top right corner and change it to a picture you like rather than the generic blank one.

Simply tap on it and you’ll be able to change it.

Keto Anywhere Profile Clubhouse

2) Update your ‘bio’ / profile

Do the same with your ‘bio’ / profile. Tap on it and let people know what topics interest you. Who you are, What areas you’re knowledgable in etc.

Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Instagram Twitter link

3) Link to other Social Media Accounts

At the bottom of your profile, link to your Twitter and Instagram if you have them. Given that we can not send messages on Clubhouse, many people will go to your Instagram and message you there.

4) Search for Clubs!

In the main feed (aka ‘Hallway’), top right you have a magnifying glass that you can use to enter key words. Type in ‘Keto’ and then the ‘Clubs’ tab to find the Keto Anywhere Club and the other ones mentioned above, Initially you will click ‘Follow’ and then the Club Owner will be able to invite you to become a member.

This will ensure you can see all the awesome upcoming Keto sessions / rooms and - if you wish - receive notifications when new ones start.

5) Follow people

CAUTION HERE: The people you follow will influence the algorithm so make sure you follow people who are active in the ‘space’ you want to be active in. That means if you follow someone who joins lots of rooms about making music then that will lead to you also seeing some of these in your hallway.

Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Room v2

6) Join a room

If you’re shy in the beginning, join a big room. In your hallway you can see how many people are listening in to a room and how many are ‘speakers’. Just sit back and listen. If at some point you want to join in, click the little hand icon to raise your hand.

Some rooms encourage many people to join as speakers. Some go on a first come first serve basis. Some will be more like Podcasts with only listeners.

Once ou join the stage make sure to immediatly mute yourself until it’s your turn to speak or you feel a pause in the conversation to join in.

Keto Anywhere Clubhouse Raise Hand Leave Room

7) Leave a room

When you’re ready to leave just hit the ‘Leave quietly’ button and you’ll vanish from the room. Don’t worry. There are no hard feelings for people leaving!

8) Learn the Clubhouse jargon

With every new plattform comes new jargon. Here are the most common terms used on Clubhouse:

  • Room: Where people meet up to talk

  • Club: Group of people interested in the same topic. Rooms may be scheduled within Clubs that are open to only Club Members or open to everyone

  • Hallway: Your main menu / feed with rooms that might be of interest to you

  • Moderator: Marked with a little green circle and star. Those are the people who opened the room and will moderate the conversation

  • Stage: The part of the room that speakers are on. Raise your hand to join the stage. Leave the stage when you’re done.

  • PTR: Pull to Refresh. In some rooms, people will communicate through their profile pictures. By e.g. changing them to a certain color to vote or share their favorite drink or a website they are referencing. To see these you’ll have to hold your screen, drag down, wait for the loading wheel and that will lead to a refresh of all pics.

  • Mute Unmute: Not jargon per se, but to not interrupt a speaker and still show that you agree you can quickly tap the mute button. That will make it blink and is used on Clubhouse like applause and as an encouragement

9) ‘No Go’ on Clubhouse

  • No recording: The main one, for now, is that you CAN NOT record anything that is being said in a room. If you open an app that has a recording feature you will get a warning and that could lead to an immediate ban from the plattform

  • Trolling: As more people join Clubhouse the trouble makers are joining too. The catch here is that if someone get reported as a troll who YOU invited that you’re risking your account too! So beware of who you invite!

10) Using your phone while listening to Clubhouse

What’s nice with Clubhouse is that you can continue to use your phone to browse other apps while remaining in a conversation. The only thing that will kick you out of a Room is if you accept an incoming call. Otherwise you can go to Instagram, play a game, take notes etc

What’s next with Clubhouse and Keto?

Who knows! :D Every Sunday the founders of Clubhouse host a townhall where they share new features they are working on which are usually driven by user feedback. The Keto community kicked off and has been gaining momentum in the last weeks and I’m thinking this will fast track as more people join the app.

For the Keto Anywhere Club: Let me know what you want to hear and talk about. Message me to co-host.

Let me know when you join. Can’t wait to meet you through Clubhouse and grow the Keto community!

To connect on Instagram, make sure to follow Keto Anywhere

For 1:1 Keto help, check out my new personal sessions to ‘Set Yourself Up for Keto Success’ and book right away through Calendly!